Mango Brand Condom Manufacturer

women condoms

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female condoms,women condoms,condoms for woman

Female condoms available now and in development

This is a mature product now. Existing and new designs of FCs are made from NRL,synthetic latex (nitrile) and polyurethane. Although different FCs often have unique design features, there are similarities between them with respect to basic function. All FCs require an anchor outside the vagina to prevent invagination (i.e., being pushed inside the vagina during use in sex). This basic feature, usually aring or frame, is also used for removal. A mechanism for inserting the device and stabilizing it once fitted is also required. The following section describes …

female condoms,women condoms,condoms for woman

Female condoms are powerful tools for pleasure and prevention

Female condoms are the only woman-initiated method available today that offers dual protection from unintended pregnancy and STIs, including HIV.  The ability of receptive partners to initiate condom use is particularly important in situations where they can’t negotiate male condom use. No longer must be the man do the decision around safer sex.   Research shows that female condoms has higher …

female condoms, women condoms, female condoms factories, custom brand female condoms

Do female condoms prevent against STDs?

Female condoms are a lubricated polyurethane (plastic) or latex tube that has a flexible ring at each end. One end of the tube is closed. Female condoms offer some protection against sexually transmitted diseases, but the male condoms give the best protection if you have sex. Female condoms should not be used in combination with male condoms. The friction of …

female condoms,femidoms,women condoms

What is a female condom?

Female condoms, also known as femidoms, are loose fitting, fine and flexible polyurethane sheath that are worn by women during sexual intercourse. Female condoms, like male condoms, are used to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The structure of a female condom is such that the round and closed end of the sheath covers the cervix and keeps the sperm from moving …

reality condom for women

Women condoms provide great protection

Women condoms are an alternative to regular condoms. They provide pretty much the same great protection from pregnancy and STDs. What’s different about them? Instead of going on the penis, women condoms go inside your vagina for pregnancy prevention or into the vagina or anus for protection from STDs. Women condoms are becoming easier to find online, in stores, and at family …

reality condom for women

How does the Reality Condom work?

Reality condom is another name of female condom or women condoms. The female condom is a contraceptive sheath (or pouch) that can help you stay in control of your sexual health and prevent an unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. The female condom works by providing a barrier between partners so that bodily fluids (e.g. semen, blood, vaginal fluid) …

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